How to Block Wind on Patio – DIY Wind Blocker Ideas

Wind can make it very uncomfortable to relax and enjoy your time on a patio. High wind can also blow away everything on your patio including unsecured furniture and umbrellas causing them to break. This guide explains how to block wind on patio effectively without getting deeper into your pockets.

There are various simple ways to calm dawn wind on your outdoor spaces including patio and decks. Some of the methods we recommend for blocking wind will also help in blocking neighbor’s view thus adding more privacy to your outdoor spaces.  

How to Block Wind on Patio

The following are do-it-yourself wind blocker options for a patio or deck

1. Grow a windbreak hedge

A windbreak hedge consisting of small trees or shrubs lined in a position will typically reduce the speed and impact of wind on your patio or deck. This living fence will also add beautiful greenery your outdoor sitting areas, trap dust and block neighbors view.

Most of the best trees for privacy such as bamboo, arborvitae, and boxwood among others are great for providing barrier against wind on your backyard areas. You can also prune your windbreak hedge into a unique shape to make your outdoors more attractive.

2. Introduce potted shrubs

Even without enough space to grow a windbreak hedge, you can still go the natural way by introducing potted shrubs on your patios or decks. Potted shrubs are attractive and inexpensive to grow. Bamboo, Frangula, and Houseleek are among the best shrubs to use in planters.

When using potted shrubs to block wind on your patio, it is important you choose those that grows at least 1 meter from the ground. The planters has to be heavy and stable so that they are not toppled by wind. Have them lined close together to provide an effective barrier against wind.

3. Climbing vines on trellises

Add trellises on your patio and train some climbing vines on them. This will also be a great way of adding shade and beauty on your patios. Climbing vines are attractive and they can block both wind and sunlight on your outdoor spaces. Trellises not only provide support for the climbing vines and shrubs but also creates an accent piece in a garden.

Some of the fast growing vines you can train on your trellises include climbing rose, clematis, passion flower, grapes, trumpet vines and bougainvillea among others. Most of these vines will blossom to make your outdoors really attractive.

4. Construct a wood fence

Vertical or horizontal wood bars are great at creating a classy wind blocker that also ads loads of privacy in your backyard. Since this will be an outdoor structure, moisture treated wood will be a great option for this project. Erecting a wooden fence is a simple thing that you can do it yourself.

5. Artificial hedge panels

Artificial hedge panels are synthetically made and they provide an instant solution to wind and privacy problems on outdoor areas. In appearance, they can look like a plant hedge or some sort of a structure. These panels can be ordered from online stores like homedepot or from any home improvement stores nearby.

Installation of artificial hedge panels is very straightforward and you may not need a professional service. With proper care, this wind blocker can last more than 10 years. Low quality material may quickly be faded by UV rays from sun or deteriorated by rainfall.

6. Install windscreen fence

A windscreen fence is usually a type of fabric mesh designed for reducing speed of wind, as barrier against bugs or an ornamental fence separating properties. This type of wind blocker comes with many benefits including easy installation, little maintenance and cheaper to purchase.

Windscreen fence comes in variety of colors and sizes and you will always get a right one for your deck or patio. While made to last, the material may get affected by weather elements like UV radiations and rainfall. This can weaken the quality and strength of the fibers.

7. Outdoor glass walls

Transparent grass walls can provide a great barrier against wind while still giving you a privilege to enjoy the outdoor surroundings. Glass walls can be integrated with aluminum frames for strong support. With glass wall, you get minimal privacy in your backyard unless they are tinted.

Adding glass walls on your patio can be quite expensive. The material also need regular cleaning and proper care to remain clear and last longer. While it is possible to install glass wall on patio yourself, a professional can do it quicker without flaws.

8. Corrugated metal fence

Corrugated metal is a very popular fencing material due to its durability and little maintenance. Galvanized steel is a top choice for corrugated metal fence panels since it performs well in all climates without weathering or rusting. This type of fence not only offer maximum privacy but also block winds on outdoor areas.

Final Thought

A backyard patio provides a great area for unwinding or relaxing with family or friends. One way of making it more comfortable is to add privacy from neighbors and block winds. This can be achieved without going deeper into your pockets by opting for one of our above recommended methods.

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